Cultivating Authentic Brands

Cultivating Authentic Brands


47 Main St #200
Bangor ME 04401

760 Chapel St
New Haven CT 06510

phone: (207) 991.1417 | email:


47 Main St #200
Bangor ME 04401

760 Chapel St
New Haven CT 06510

phone: (207) 991.1417 | email:

2 + 15 =

Businesses and why they need good design

If you are a business and you are not thinking about your brand, your marketing, or how to make it all better, then you are likely loosing opportunity.

The Blog of Design Then, and Whats Next

All year long, A bi-weekly set of postings that showcase good and bad design that inform how we can learn more from what works and doesn’t work

Education / Resources Stuff to play with

Curation of the best in programs, case studies, videos, articles, books, and more. Sharing is best when it comes to finding new solution to the everyday problems we face as designers

The Services

These are just a few of the projects we can do. If you are unsure, feel free to give me a call.  Even if it’s a project we don’t typically work on, we  can likely point you to the right person. I’m more than happy to help find the right service partner.